BLAST works to make a tangible difference in the lives of people in Bangladesh through evaluation of our own legal services, coupled with consistent internal capacity building through staff training, as well as capacity-building for legal professionals and actors in the justice system, to better uphold the rights of marginalised people.

Training of staff and lawyers

BLAST staff members attend training programmes throughout the year, to help them better fulfill our mission. Analytical skill development, media advocacy, and information, communication and technology (ICT) are only some of the many subjects our staff have been trained in. Trainings on facilitation skills were also held for field staff, and PIL trainings were held for university students through law clinics. BLAST also works on building the capacity of our pro bono lawyers’ network and their specialisation in new areas of law, through partner organisations and issue-based trainings.

Capacity building of the justice system

BLAST also works on capacity building of the justice system, to make it more accessible to the poor and marginalised people of Bangladesh. For instance, our capacity building sessions are held to inform police, marriage registrars, ward commissioners and other community leaders about gender and violence-related laws.

Strategic Plan

BLAST prepared a strategic plan for 2011-2015. The strategic plan revisited BLAST’s mission and goals and identified steps to strengthen BLAST. Opportunities for development identified in the plan include collaborative fact finding, implementing directives and PILs, engaging in policy and legislative action, collaborating on research with universities and other organisations, extending national and international networks, and developing local partnerships.

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Sustainable Development Goal 16