BLAST, in cooperation with the Prison Authorities and the German Technical Corporation (GTZ), is currently providing services through paralegals working in one district, Bogra, to expedite the release of prisoners, particularly women, children, and vulnerable persons. 

BLAST has intervened in the lower courts to secure the release of women and children placed in jail in “safe custody”, under Section 31 of the Nari-o-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain, 2000 (the Suppression of Violence against Women and Children Act), and has also challenged the practice of safe custody in a writ petition before the High Court.

BLAST intervened in a case before the High Court, seeking the release and repatriation of Bangladesh adults and children detained in jails in West Bengal, India, despite the expiration of their sentences. BLAST also works with its counterparts in neighboring countries, such as the Legal Aid Society of West Bengal (LASWEB) to ensure that Bangladeshi prisoners in West Bengal, India, and Indian prisoners in Bangladesh receive legal aid.

Case Study


In 2017, a total number of 3,170 prisoners (3,045 men, 122 women, and three children) were released through paralegal interventions under BLAST’s IRSOP project.